Minds in the 21st century.

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

Arthur C. Clarke's 1 law.

At the present rate of progress, it is almost impossible to imagine any technical feat that cannot be achieved - if it can be achieved at all - within the next few hundred years.

Arthur C. Clarke, 1983.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Making sense of the World

According to the ancient Greeks, humans can only acquire higher knowledge and insights (make sense of the world), when we have Self Knowledge. And, in order to know oneself, one must surely know what the self is all about.

Hopefully, links (below) about happy brains, brain controls,
semantic info in our heads and mind experiments brings us a little closer to knowing.
Indeed, despite overwhelming odds against it, we are wired to try to make sense of it all


Today in Shanghai (21st century Skyscrapers).

Today in Shanghai .

Monday, January 6, 2014

WCE 2013 - World Congress on Engineering - Impressions and Links.

Long overdue, I have tried to put some order to my 2013 experiences.

Another of the great experiences in 2013 was the "WCE 2013 - World Congress on Engineering".

So, now I have also made a homepage with some Impressions and Links from that conference.

The result can be seen here .